Hey all, plz need help for :
ty for pc , plz mods close this thread
ty close plz
galam harness
Hey all, plz need help for :
echovald Q11str +10dmon -2ench |
Yours with 10v Demons is far nicer, but the Strength instead of Tactics req. may hurt it somewhat. I'm told the bulk of the high-paying market for 10vDemons/-2wE shields are DoASC tanks running A/*. With a Tactics shield, they can use cons to boost Tactics up as high as 13 if need be, running A/W instead of the normal A/Me. They can't do that with a str. req. shield at all. I think an Echovald with those mods is still going to get all kinds of interest, though.
I'll take a very rough guess that you're looking at a reserve of maybe 4x the price of mine with the less desirable 9v mod and the more desirable attribute. Buyout maybe ... 8x mine? I think were yours Tactics there would be about a 10:1 price difference between 10vDemons and 9vDemons.
gothic q8 +10 Demon +29 str thk |
I hope it helps ... and I hope you get more opinions to go by than just mine!
Cheers & GL!
Averaine Clou
I agree with Luny.
This echo is amazing. It's definitely 8xLuny's shield. Echovald is really wanted and nice skin and many doa tanks will be interested in buying this one
This echo is amazing. It's definitely 8xLuny's shield. Echovald is really wanted and nice skin and many doa tanks will be interested in buying this one
gothic can still get 100e+ its 1 off and its req8