PvX Spanish Inquisition
We are Asura, if you are Asura and wish to make the other "races" submit to our will then please come join us. Our laws are simple so even the most novice of apprentice will under stand, and are listed here
Currently we offer the use of a shoutbox any bookah could understand, RSS feeds for Guild Wars 2 (and other games), forums, image gallery, and as soon as those loafering member of the College of Synergetics we will have our access to TeamSpeak 3 again.
Job is not an issue for recruitment, simply that you are an active member, PvP once per week, and most importantly are an Asura. Our current need is that of assistances to be the voice of the Spanish Inquisition to help get the word out that we are recruiting, this can be in the form of posts like this or via videos.
If you have any further questions feel free to express them here, or better yet post on our forums.