My Friends call me Leats,
the Moment i saw about the HOM-Calculator i started a new GW account bc my old one ist lost...
My Goal now is to head for 50/50 in the Calculator and GWAMM, the only thing left are the Master of the North Title.
So i am seeking for Services and Players who can Help me reaching that Goal.
Things i still need are: EotN VQ & Speedbooking
If you feel like your able to help me in my Progress feel free to Wisp me in Game or leave a Post in here with your IGN and what your able/willing to do as well as the Price of your service.
My IGN: Resurrectionis Deus
My Timezone: GMT +1
E: Close please =O
Greedings Leats ;D
Closed: Resurrectionis Deus - GWAMM