As the thread tittle says, I'm in need of a pc for a gold Tribal shield, Effigy Skin, req 9 tactics, inscripable
Do Urden
Gold Tribal Shield (Effigy Skin) req 9 Tactics
Do Urden
Do Urden
Do Urden
Do Urden
As the thread tittle says, I'm in need of a pc for a gold Tribal shield, Effigy Skin, req 9 tactics, inscripable
Cheers Do Urden |
In my experience, this is one of those tricky skins with both low supply and low demand - notice I did not say "no demand." I have seen them listed for sale now and then over the years and get no interest for even buyouts under 10k. I have seen people get desperate spamming to buy one and finding none for sale at all over the years, too.
The low req versions of this skin (like 16/8, 15/7) still sell for far more than the cheapest skins when they appear for sale, so I take that as a good sign that this skin is not oversupplied for what demand there is.
Were this shield mine to sell, I would not rush into selling it for less than 60k. But I'm fond of them and biased and willing to bide my time until I find a motivated buyer. If you haven't the patience, I'm not sure how much you can reasonably expect to sell it for fast because it's always taken a while to find buyers for these at any price.
If you're looking to buy one, I think you're at the mercy of whomever you find that has one they're willing to sell. Decide what it's worth to you and offer accordingly.
Hope it helps! Cheers & GL!