Q8 OS Golden Phoenix Blade +5e *sold at 245e*
Done some research here on guru, but couldn't find an accurate range of it's actual value. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Thank you all for your opinions. For anyone interested, the link to the sell thread is here:
Closed: Q8 +5e GPB
Chaos Theory Pvp
I believe these have been going for around 200e
Enchanted Krystal
well there is one currently up for around 200e already hasnt had any bids for a while but it could do 250-300e with the right buyer
Kiki Go Boom
Quite a few have been up for sale lately and I don't think any ever reached 250e. I paid 210e for mine a few months ago after interest died at the 200e mark (I really like the skin ). I'd pc it at about 200e with the possibility of 250e if you find someone else like me
150e sounds fair tbh req8 +5e weapons have toned down alot in hype.