Closed: WTB AFK Run through all HM Factions Missions (twice)
Icy The Mage
Looking for 2 full runs through all the missions in Factions in Hard Mode starting at Vizunah Square.
I will only want this when I'm AFK 100% (sleeping, school, or work) I will give you a full conset to pop for every mission I will wield a double-vampiric weapon (-2hp regen) and equip 55-hp armor so I can still die with the +1hp regen from the conset in-case you need to rezone or retry. Since I will be filling Shiro's Return Books and be afk, you must do all of the missions 1 time, and then allow me to swap my books before we do them again. You don't have to run me through Imperial Sanctum, as it's pretty easy for me to solo by myself. Prices:
I'm paying 20k/mission, 35k for Eternal Grove. If you think this is too low for any specific mission let me know and we can change it around.
Times (all times in CST):
I'm usually AFK from Midnight until 8:00 AM every day, some days I have work and sometimes I am completely AFK on the weekends during the day, once you think you would like to run me, I can go into more detail about my schedule.
Wika Sham
Just got your PM, would definitely be interested, PM me ingame to figure out a time