A little help?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2012


I guess I'm fairly new to gw. I have a warrior going through the EotN primary quests, but I got stuck on the heart of the shiverpeaks one. I've taken a fairly long break since I initially started, so I don't really know what all I should do. Any help regarding skills, party members, etc. would be appreciated.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010

Muppets Versus Muppets [MvM]


I'm going to assume you're getting stuck at the last part (Cyndr), as that's generally the case. (if not, you'll need the advice still).

Grab a friend/PUG; if you're still fairly new, you generally won't have the skills to kill him without breaking his shell. With additional people (at least 3), you can break the shell in one go, and potentially kill him in one shot.

If you're having trouble finding people, stand around in EotN and search,,. Also, do note that DD and ATFH usually go hand-in-hand with HotS (because it's extremely convenient).

tl;dr: You need an additional person (preferably 3 including yourself).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

55?? 57' 0" N / 3?? 12' 0" W


Heart of the Shiverpeaks is a good one to do with other people! It can be a lil annoying/hard, use the guild recruitment section here to find peeps to party with! Doing solo = not as fun but that can be said about many dungeons! They are all do-able solo but wheres the fun in that

I love doing the HotS with randoms, it' a nice short dungeon



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2009

Wroc??aw, Poland

Midnight Mayhem


Any help regarding skills, party members, etc. would be appreciated.
Either bring hell lot of protection and healing, so that you can stay up when breaking Cyndr's shell with the barrels, or bring touchers with you. A toucher is a R/N build with high Expertise and Blood Magic, with high energy, that specialises in the necromancer's touch skills which steal life (plus any other life stealing stuff you may pack, but Vampiric Bite/Touch are actually enough for Cyndr). The deal is - drains go through Cyndr's shell with no need to bring it down, and those touch skills are easily spammable with high Expertise due to lowered energy cost. When you manage to get to Cyndr if you bring 2-3 touchers (might be hard if you play in Hard Mode), the boss itself goes down easily and fast.