Os Shields Guardian, outcast (vs demons) others
Hugo Bosz
1 c/o 10e b/o 18e
2 c/o 50k b/o 18e
3 c/o 20e b/o 35e
4 c/o ? b/o 50k
5 b/o 25k
6 b/o 70k (black dyed)
7 b/o 35k
8 c/o 10e b/o 30e
9 b/o sold
10 b/o 30k
Auction closed
2 c/o 50k b/o 18e
3 c/o 20e b/o 35e
4 c/o ? b/o 50k
5 b/o 25k
6 b/o 70k (black dyed)
7 b/o 35k
8 c/o 10e b/o 30e
9 b/o sold
10 b/o 30k
Auction closed
Hugo Bosz
New shields added
the kryta assasin
5e on #1
10e on #8
Ign healer of goals
Ign healer of goals
50k #2
ign: I Love Keegan
ign: I Love Keegan
15e on #3
Salv A Tore
Salv A Tore
20e on 3....................................
Warrior Bradols
b/o 9 please
<--- IGN
<--- IGN
Hugo Bosz
bump it up !
Stealthy Spiderpig
7e on #1 for me
IGN Squeaky Spiderpig
IGN Squeaky Spiderpig
Hugo Bosz
bump added b/o
the kryta assasin
10e on #1 IGN the kryta assasin
Hugo Bosz
bump it up !
Hugo Bosz
bump bump !!!
i am the ownage
RETRACTed>.< sorry i misread
Hugo Bosz
bump it up !
Hugo Bosz
bump it up !
Hugo Bosz
last bump !!!
Mig Coconut
11e #1
IGN: Migrating Koconut
IGN: Migrating Koconut
Rushin Roulette
Originally Posted by Hugo Bosz
2 c/o 50k b/o 18e
B/O on #2 please
ign. Deathly Spirited
EDIT: Thanks for the trade
ign. Deathly Spirited
EDIT: Thanks for the trade
Sam I Are
B/O on #1 please
IGN:El Redentor Kris
IGN:El Redentor Kris