Survivor farming with dervishes, what works today?

Fox Reeveheart

Fox Reeveheart

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


none q.q


So I decided to get my dervish finished with survivor since I seemed to have stumbled upon rank 1 with just capping elites over the course of the day, might as well not waste the exp I already have.

I thought I would go right back into kilroy stoneskin farming HM, as I did it with my mesmer, but I can't seem to get the hang of it anymore and seems utterly impossible and have had to resign/log-out constantly before death.

Only other thing I've found is farming wurms near Borealis station and vaettir farming in jaga. I've seen a few videos on each, but neither of them give what weapons they are using (assuming scythes), skills (I am a casual player these days, I don't remember every freakin skill just by seeing it's icon anymore), attributes or runes, etc. Not to mention they are very low quality videos.

I also hear some of those may be nerfed? A lot of these videos are around 6-11 months old and such.

My search-fu is weak when it comes to forums. Tried google but it just gave me mainly the videos that I checked out.

I could just buy k-hammers but I frankly don't have around 800k sitting around.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2011


Gods of Legendary Destroyers [GOLD]


I would still suggest trying Kilroy's, but if that isn't working out, then do the boreal worms. I would not recommend the vaettir farming because that would require a decent amount of practice, and probably fails.

A good tip for kilroys is to bind all your skills to the keyboard. (Normally I have heroes skills bound on the numbers and just click click click) Spam the blocking skill on your keyboard, and click the regular attack skills with your mouse. And then spam both when you are downed.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010

Muppets Versus Muppets [MvM]


For Wurms, simply take the most powerful ranged build you can, or SoS. In no case should you die to them as they're completely harmless at range.

I'm not entirely certain this still works, with both the updates to HM and AI, but it's worth a shot. Positioning is extremely important with it.

Oh right, it's an AFK farm for Legendary Survivor. If you can afford the Kath hammers, this should be easy enough for you.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Any class should be able to farm vaettir. If I could manage it with a necro, a derv should be a piece of cake.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2012

i got my title by farming vaetir. took me about 4hours with the use off double xp scrolls wich i forgot to pop half the time >.>. If you wanna play it safe you can add a bonder monk for extra protection.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



For vaettir farming you might want to make sure your health still is higher than the vaettirs. I havent tried it since the HM update.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


When I did survivor on my Dervish I would farm the Djinn in the entrance chamber to the Hidden City of Ahdashim in HM. One run took about 2-3 minutes and gave 10000xp with scrolls.

Take a bonder monk hero with life barrier/life bond/balthazar's spirit. Run D/E with armor of earth and mystic vigor. Then just ball up Djinn and kill them with a scythe.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


I recommend Cantha Courier Crisis. It works in the same way as Kilroy's dungeon but it's a faster and with better loot.

saria neptune

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2008

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


I would Highly recommend Gate of Madness HM. You can do it AFK overnight too . Have a read of this thread here I suggest you read the whole thing as there are 3 or 4 ways you can go about doing it with my own tweaks at the end. It takes a bit of setting up and you will prolly die a few times trying but the Idea is sound. It took me just over 8 hours.

In fact its so good and so safe it seems people are charging 45e a run to do it for you.

This will work for any class by the way and is much less repetitive than Kilroy or Vettiers.

Best of Luck!



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


I'd recommend fronis, but the previous Warrior skill updates rendered the area harder by giving warriors lots of stance removals and interruptions there, and the HM HP update made things even worse. You'll have to skip as many battles as possible to get to the end comfortably, getting way less exp per run.

If I didn't have the EotN titles maxed, I'd fill Hero's Handbooks and keep them completed in storage until I have at least 22 o so, then give the books, which would probably get all EotN reputation titles maxed on top of the survivor title.
It's only 9 relatively short missions per book plus a long one and an easily farmable one.

The remaining option is the safest and fastest farm you can find.

Fox Reeveheart

Fox Reeveheart

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


none q.q


bit of an update, I been trying D/N raptor farming, followed builds, been watching videos closely, yet again THEY ARE ALL OUTDATED BY AT LEAST SIX MONTHS! THIS IS GETTING FRUSTRATING!

Anyways I been trying it, and these raptors will NOT go after me it seems, did AI improvement mess this up too?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009


Do FoW with Heroes 140k xp per run.

Pretty safe.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2012


I agree with saria neptune, I done the AFK farm in HM with a berserker scrolls. It does take a bit of setting up and you will probably have to spend a bit of money on runes/skills etc. but once all set up I left it over night, It probably took about 4 hours to hit the max title for me

An hour to set up, 4 hours of sleeping. Easiest title I ever got :P

voids sleet

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2009

Ridirian Guides {RGA}


Personally i did vaettir farming to get my survivor

heres my build that i still use to farm them OgCjkyqDLTihkXtX9gjhOXhX7XA

for the armor you need maxed with 1+3 mysticism all with insigina's and the more health the better

the weapons, need 2 set's, first one is a just a scythe with 20% enchantments plus anything else you like on it

the second is a shield with like a rolling stone and +45 health on it with a spear / sword / any weapon with 20% enchant, i personally have a sword with 20% enchant and double adrenaline gain.

if you want i would be happy showing you how its done or putting up a video with it

EDIT - Forgot to add that you would need some on your norn title, the higher the better for added health