Wanting to get PC's on these few items I got today. Prolly merch food, but better safe than sorry.
Skeleton Shield
I'm sure it's useless, but I see threads about low req shields so I wanted to double check
Heavy Plagueborn Axe of Enchanting
dmg +15%
ar -10(attacking)
lengthen weakness 33%
19% ench
Plagueborn Shield
16/q12 str
reduce weakness 20%
Hale Plagueborn Staff of Restoration Magic
HSR 20%
q12 smite
HCT 10%
resto magic +1 19%
Vampiric Oni Blade of Enchanting
q12 sword
3/-1 vamp
+19% vs dragons
Thanks again for the PC's, I know most of mine are junk, but I really never know
Closed: Plagueborn staff/shield/axe Oni Blade 15/8 shield
Master Archer Nente
I don't believe it had any real value. a 15/7 tactics shield has some value but i don't believe a 14/7 does.
enameled or darkwing skin = 1 stack
Bumping for PC of two new items
None worth keeping.
I think the mixed mod bo staff may be worth something to a collector. I think I saw a collector that posted he was looking for mixed-mod staves in the buy section.
Daily bump for new items. Will just keep this thread updated with new pc's rather than closing and restarting
Thanks for all the PC's
Thanks for all the PC's