15 Mar 2012 at 17:33 - 36
On my paragon and dervish, (I dont have a warrior char), I like to use a Blood Magic Necromancer/Dervish with Order of the Vampire, Blood Ritual, Mystic Healing, Vow of Piety, Blood Bond, Oppressive Gaze, Mark of Fury, and any optional such as Strip Enchantment or Signet of Lost Souls. Any Blood Magic staff of Enchanting helps, and attribute split would be 12 Blood, 11 Wind Prayers, 6 Soul Reaping, or 12 Blood, 10 Wind Prayers, 8 Soul Reaping. Add runes to your taste. Awaken the Blood is optional but not recommended with the additional health sacrifice. Mystic healing will heal everyone, and Vow of Piety refreshes when OotV ends to keep the hero less squishy after sacrifice. Mark of Fury provides you more adrenaline, and the Cracked Armor on end fuels Oppressive Gaze for more degen. Blood Ritual keeps your Monk and Mesmer heroes high on energy. Blood Bond will heal your minions as well as yourself with every attack. I'll usually bring one or two monk healers/smiters, one minion master, one domination mesmer, and three other melees to round out the party.