WTS/WTT Unded Minis

Lycan Nibbler

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


I have the following surplus minis to sell :-
1st Yr:-
Whiptail (5of) 3k each
Temple Guardian (3of) 4k each

2nd Yr:-
Fire Imp (3 of) 8k each
Wind Rider (4 of) 6k each
Aatxe (1 of) 8k
Harpy (1 of) 8k
Juggernaut (3of) 6k
Man Imp(2of) 8k ea
Thor Wof (4of) 8k ea

3rd Yr:-
Roaring Ether (2 of) 12k ea
Raptor (3 of) 12k ea
Abyssal (2of) 12k ea
Cloud Simian (2of) 12k ea

I would prefer to trade for the pets that I still need and would be willing to trade a 3rd + a 1st for your 3rd I need as an example -just make me an offer!

These are the pets I need :-
1st Yr:-
Fungal Wal x2
Troll x2
2nd Yr:-
Heket x2
3rd Yr:-
Mursaat x3
Forest Min x4
Cave Spider x3

I also need purples and golds and would consider trades of multiple of what I have for onepurp or gold I need.

IGN: Miss Guru Az