I am looking for a build which lets me solo UW and raptors as an Assassin. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.
I've been looking around a bit, but I can't seem to find any up-to-date Assassin solo farming builds, so I thought that I should hear with the good folk on Guru.
UW/Raptor farming build for an Assassin
UW I do not believe you really can solo anymore, at least not with any efficiency whatsoever. Raptors probably the generic SF, Wastrels spam that people use for vaettirs but it wont be as easy as vaettirs considering their damage will hit you so bring speed boost.
Thats for uw, I have a strange feeling this might get closed
Thats for uw, I have a strange feeling this might get closed
Calista Blackblood
You didn't really do any research of your own.