Hey all, i've been away from GW for pretty much 3 years...Came back not too long ago for a few months but that annoying "real life" thing forced me away again. Finally in a place where i can get some work done on my game. And since i pretty much did nothing but pvp my whole GW career my titles/HoM is somewhat lacking....i have 23/50 ATM, going to get the last few points i need. I'm capable of running the 7 man gimmick bullshit, but i'd rather enjoy the game im playing then just grind my way through. And as we all know the best way to enjoy GW is with other people. That being said ill be listing the statues i will be working on, if you need them as well, or just want to come along for shiggles leave your IGN here and what you want to come along on, ill contact you ingame when im working on that particular statue or post here when im about to form a group. The statues im working on are:
Eternal Slayer
Eternal Ebon vanguard
Eternal Guardian/Protector(all continents)
Sorrows Furnace
Domain of Anguish
Urgoz Warren
The Deep
Comming back to GW, getting my 30/50