ign:: Tonix Ephex
EL Kahmu - 12k
Swords - All weapons are req9 inscribable unless stated otherwise.
Celestial Sword -- Oldschool 15^-5energy
Celestial Sword -- Oldschool Q10 15^stance
Sephis Sword
Platinum Broadsword (x2)
Shields -
Tribal Shield - tactics
Gloomy - str
Offhands/wands -
Accursed icon q9 curses
Dragon's breath wand q9 fire
Stygian wand q9 inspiration
Inscriptions/Mods -
"Run for your life!" -2 dmg/stance
"Only the strong survive" - 20% weakness reduction
"Strength of body" - 20% deep wound reduction
"Swift as the wind" - 20% crippled reduction
Zealous dagger tang
20% enchanting axe grip
+30 health axe grip
+5 armor staff head
20% hsr wand wrapping (x2)
+30 health sword pommel
+7 armor vs. physical dmg sword pommel
+45 health while in stance shield handle
33% bleeding lengthen on foes sword hilt
20/20% sword hilt
Various q9 golds/EL's/Shields
Coffee Man
Zodiac Sword - Oldschool 15^50%
20k on it ty
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
20k on it ty
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
30k on zodiac sword
bring up this paste
dareal slim shady
40k on zodiac sword
4k on Wyvern Blade
3k on Igneous Blade
3k on Gladius (if NF skin)
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
3k on Igneous Blade
3k on Gladius (if NF skin)
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
bump added 2 celestial swords!! CHEAP!!!
Forgotten Fury
60k on zodiac sword
IGN Forgotten Fury
IGN Forgotten Fury
Hey bros im bumpin this errrrrythang soooo cheep