All Stars - Or



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2011


Costumed Aggression. : )


In the paragons-anet-why? thread Reverend Dr Said:

The reason that "paragons suck" in PvE is not because of nerfs, but because very few actually make team based builds in PvE. PvE formation is about individual builds that work well, then just adding them together. The only paragon build that really fits into this is the imbagon. And it made me think, Yea really think so?

I'm pretty new to GW and MMWo's at all, and my party is far from perfect; but would think most players would seek a balance between Tanks, DPS, Jammers, and Healers; after all we've all seen all All Star Teams that look great on paper but just don't jell, no?

So I guess my Question, and theme for this thread is .... Which do you go for, do you build for Team Synergy; or do you build the best possible individuals?

Your Thoughts, BB.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2010


If I have free reign of what my heroes are bringing to the table I bring synergy over individual power.

When it comes to playing with others, I could care less regarding what I expect others to bring, so long as we have at least 1-2 melee physicals (since they deal so much damage, and even then the game has gotten to the point where we could handle a full non physical team) and 1-2 backliners (the peeps that I play with generally can handle the one healer backline since Minion masters, imbagons, ritualists (in general) and other such obscene defense options make healing less needed. Seeing as how the PvE that I do take part in are non-speed clear runs it works.

Why do I have this BYOB style? Because if we really wanted to rush through and beat the mission quickly we would be spending more time shifting and linking builds so that everyone is on board with the strategy than actually fighting red dots.

GW has a lot of synergy among many skills ( sort of how some trading card games like Magic the Gathering have truly ridonculus combination between cards) but because GW is a team game, the components of the team are handled with players as a pose to individual cards and organizing these players and telling them to do something different when the game is easy enough as is feels more punishing than the implied reward of having a "synergistic" team.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2007

Illinois, USA

Legends of the New Republic [LnR]


pretty much what bandwagon said.

when i'm running with pugs for a mission, vanquish, whatever, i'm running a build that will be able to do well on its own no matter what others on the team are running.

when i'm running with heroes i use completely different builds because there are certain skills many don't bring when running with pugs that can make me, and my heroes, much more effective when combined with other skills.

either way, i don't really mind. it lets me play more than one way, and both ways get the job done just fine. i like playing with real people for the social aspect, i like playing with heroes for the synergy and making interesting and new team bars.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2011


Costumed Aggression. : )


That makes sense, I had not thought so much about splitting things PUG v HH, but it makes good sense when you think about it.