q8 wicked blade, Demonshield, ornate, echo and more
beautifull dagger
closed this because of to few interest and not high enough bids
Luna zur
30e on first echovald
IGN : Vi Sovaris
IGN : Vi Sovaris
15k on Echovald r9 27, cripple
25k on Ornate
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
25k on Ornate
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
20k, Echovald r9 Crippled
Hypnotic Hannah
Hypnotic Hannah
beautifull dagger
bump, thanks for al the bids till now.
25k on Echovald r9 cripple
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
30k, Echovald r9 Crippled
Hypnotic Hannah
Hypnotic Hannah
50k on echovald r9 Crippled
ign: X Nokazashi X
ign: X Nokazashi X
beautifull dagger
bump for this thread
ornate 40k
IGN Master Of Tactics X
IGN Master Of Tactics X
beautifull dagger
Will end the auctions of both echovalds and ornate on sunday. R/B met, i added B/O for them
Praetor Dracon
b/o first echovald
IGN: Praetor de Dracon
IGN: Praetor de Dracon
10k wickd blade
beautifull dagger
Bump and again bump
B/O Cripple Echovald
IGN: Pming you in like 5 seconds.
IGN: Pming you in like 5 seconds.
25k wicked blade
10k celestial hammer
10k celestial hammer
50k on Ornate Shield
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
beautifull dagger
bump bump bump
Dar Drakor
40k for the Wicked Blade
beautifull dagger
bump 12 characters
Suki Bao
15e on vs earth echo
ign: Suki Bao
ign: Suki Bao
beautifull dagger
bump, tomorrow i will sell the ornate shield.
The Serious Monk
18e on earth echovald
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
Suki Bao
25e on vs earth echo
ign: Suki Bao
ign: Suki Bao
beautifull dagger
Bump, ornate sold, will be looking for buyer ingame.
15k on Cel Hammer
Ramp Ager
Ramp Ager
beautifull dagger
bump for this thread
beautifull dagger
bump, added some shields
beautifull dagger
Bump, will add B/O to earth echo
beautifull dagger
bump de bump
beautifull dagger
bump bump bump
beautifull dagger
bump bump bump
sold earth echo
sold earth echo