All prices are b/o unless otherwise stated. Please leave your shopping list and IGN.
MODS (all mods perfect/max):
Sword pommel of Demonslaying - 10k
Dagger handle of Enchanting (x2) - 2k
Sundering dagger tang - 2k *new*
Hammer grip of Fortitude - 2k
Axe grip of Deathbane - 2k
Hale Staff Head - 3k/ea
Insightful Staff Head - 1.5k
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude - 5k
Scythe grip of Fortitude - 9k
Sundering hammer haft - 3k *new*
"Riders on the Storm" A+10 vs Lightning - 1k
Celestial Dragon (x2) - 55k/ea *new*
Wintergreen Candy Canes (x7 stacks) - 50g/ea, 12.5k/stack
gold Voltaic Wand, r9 energy storage, HSR Fire (19%) and HCT Earth (19%)
(for the truly indecisive elementalist...) - b/o 5k
Accepted payments:
Plat (well, yeah)
Ectos/rubies/sapphires @ 8k/ea
Gemsets @ 12k/set
IGN: Wadjet Maat
As always, I reserve the right to sell/not sell and/or sell in-game, etc., etc.
Previous sales (because I'm OCD like that :P):
Sera Lifebringer
x2 Amy of the Mist
Sera Lifebringer
Meow Ren
EDIT: trade to Fixy and Kendal completed ^_^
Kendal The Healer
Ign : Kendal The Healer
IGN: Fixy Killy
Lynette Le Sange
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
edit- will take the other 2 chicks too
Meow Ren
EDIT: Trade to exploiter and drkn done, thank you both
/Dimir Acolyte
e: went really quick, reccommendable seller.
Meow Ren
EDIT: Finished trade of remaining two moa chicks to exploiter, tyvm! ^_^
Meow Ren
EDIT: Trades with Drevik and SolemnSereena done, tyvm!
Dagger handle of Fortitude - 2k
I'll take those.
IGN - Drevik Daishi
Ill buy all the Silver zcoins.
IGN: Solemn Sereena
Meow Ren
EDIT: Trade with Lynette done ^_^
Meow Ren
Meow Ren
EDIT: trades with Cash and Holyvinci both done
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
Flame of Balthazar - 2k *new*
I take all.
IGN : Wicca Sage
Meow Ren
Meow Ren
Notes: updated Silver Zcoin amounts for sale, added one lonely Hammer of Kathandrax, moved sold items under a spoiler tag for cleanup and OCD-satisfaction....
Meow Ren
NOTES: updated amount of silver Zaishen coin again ^_^
EDIT: Trades with Pyrthas and Random Generator done! Tho I think Pyrthas won the race to update posts fastest :P
Peppermint Candy Canes (115) - 50g/ea, 11.5k/all *price lowered* I'll take these.
IGN Pyrthas Cannelbrae
Edit: And done. Thanks for a fast and easy trade!