Bit of an odd list, but looking to buy some more of the following to supplement my own farming:
Charr Carvings (regular, NOT the superb)
Decayed Orr Emblems
Juvenile Termite Legs
Singed Gargoyle Skulls
Paying 20g/ea, 5k/stack. Will take any amount and willing to pay in a combination of ectos and plat for multiple stacks.
1 ecto = 8k
As I also have a sale thread going, please let me know which you are responding to if you whisper me in-game
IGN: Wadjet Maat
Closed: WTB (REG) Charr carvings, Orr Emblems, Juvie Termite Legs, Singed Skulls
Meow Ren
Meow Ren
Annnnnnd we have the first b.u.m.p
Meow Ren
Schoolhouse Rock bumpage! ^_^
Meow Ren
Shamrock bumpage
Meow Ren
Jailhouse Rock bumpage
Meow Ren
Monday bump -_-
Meow Ren
oops, belated bumpage :P
Meow Ren
"Rolling in the Deep" bump
Meow Ren
Whups-forgot-about-this-thread-bump :P
Meow Ren