If I watch Zinn's Trial, can I still complete Zinn's task?
I'm doing the WiK stuff, but I still want to complete Zinn's task at some point (I haven't gotten to the relevant place in each campaign yet). I wasn't sure if watching the trial would stop me from being able to do the quests.
Mintha Syl
The two quests have nothing to do with each other, so yes you can still do the task even if you watched the trial.
They are related in story, but not in gameplay.
You can still do Zinn's Task after watching Zinn's Trial.
It would be like going back and completing the factions campaign and killing Shiro after you've already killed him as an undead minion to Abbadon in Nightfall.
You can still do Zinn's Task after watching Zinn's Trial.
It would be like going back and completing the factions campaign and killing Shiro after you've already killed him as an undead minion to Abbadon in Nightfall.
Mintha Syl
Yeah that's true, I meant from a gameplay perspective ofc, not storywise.