where can u get Deldimoor Steel ignots and Spiritwood?
where is the crafter for them?
Deldimoore steel and spiritwood... where?
The easiest crafter is the one near Droknar's Forge. Go out to the troll filled cave, run through and exit to the north. There's a house a little more to the north with a crafter and a collector outside.
I dunno, I've always felt the one in the Crystal Desert was easiest to get to. For me, at least, as I can run the full distance on my own, and there's no mobs of monsters to bug me while I'm getting stuff.
Head south from Augury Rock, and go to the southern most part of the map. There's a zone with Sand Giants swarming all around, and the crafter is on the other side. If you can run it, this one is easy. If you can't run, go with SirJackassIII's suggestion.
Head south from Augury Rock, and go to the southern most part of the map. There's a zone with Sand Giants swarming all around, and the crafter is on the other side. If you can run it, this one is easy. If you can't run, go with SirJackassIII's suggestion.
i usually use the henge crafter
go south from the henge of denravi (follow the roots S-SE) until you reach the trolls that are just north of the dark river entrance (where you get to riverside)
once you reach the trolls just head back north on the eastern path - long time ago that crafter always had a barrel with free gold next to him...
enemy count for that run: couple moss scarabs & life pods after the first root... around 10 - 15 (or 20?) trolls afterwards ^^
fixed spelling bug
go south from the henge of denravi (follow the roots S-SE) until you reach the trolls that are just north of the dark river entrance (where you get to riverside)
once you reach the trolls just head back north on the eastern path - long time ago that crafter always had a barrel with free gold next to him...
enemy count for that run: couple moss scarabs & life pods after the first root... around 10 - 15 (or 20?) trolls afterwards ^^
fixed spelling bug
sounds good, and do you know what they want?