Should I reroll from Ele?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I bought GW Trilogy + Expansion last week to gear up HoM for GW2.

I created Ele in NF campaign and got him to 20. However during all this time, I feel the profession is somewhat lacking. All I do is spam Flare and some aoe. A bit on the boring side and the damage arent that great either

That said, is it worth it to reroll another profession? One that would help me get HoM points faster and easier? Rit or Sin or smth..

Edit: Being a newbie, I dont have access to many Elite skills. The popular builds (ones that I looked) include Searing Flame or Savannah Heat. I havent gotten and tried those builds so I dont know whether it'll be fun once I got them or not.

But before I move on, I just want to know whether it's worth sticking to my Ele or should I just reroll. Thanks!

Calista Blackblood

Calista Blackblood

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Join Date: Oct 2007

Northern Ireland

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Something being "worth it" or "fun" is very much your own opinion. Nobody here can really advise on what profession you may or may not enjoy playing.

All professions are capable of completing the game and since the HOM is account based you can use multiple characters,although you would lack progression in the GWAMM title track.

<Give Elementalist a chance and work on the popular builds,if it doesn't work out try something else>