Unded and Ded Minis


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2008


I reserve the right to not sell these items, if anything occurs ^^

The following dedicated are for 1k ea

Abyssal, Aatxe, Hydra, Fungal Wallow, Mandragor Imp, Forest Minotaur, Whiptail Devourer, Krait Neoss, Thorn Wolf, Cave Spider, Kvedulf, Juggernaut, Siege Turtle, Harpy Ranger, Jade Armor and Temple Guardian.

Selling some undedicated miniatures:

Whiptail Devourer 2k
Forest Minotaur 8k
Cave Spider 8k
Temple Guardian 2k
Abyssal x2 8k
Aatxe 4k
Hydra 2k
Jade Armor 2k

Ophil Nahauli 25k

Ventari - 40k
Nornbear - 20k
Nian - 38k

Lich King 50k
Asura 80k

Accepting ectos as payment or part payment for all minis, at 7.5k ea.
Also a price check on Miniature Grawl from collector's card, it is undedicated. I am looking to sell it at a later occasion or if I get a high enough bid.
Bids on the items are also accepted.
I am going abroad the 22th march and will be away for two weeks.
IGN: Green Peace Warrior (yes, a retarded name, don't mention it)


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


I will take the temple guardian for 2k.

IGN: Johnan Meker