Wts Echo, sotW +1/20 dF -2wE,ohter shield ,q9 axe caster, hammer.
galam harness
hey all sell this :
echo black dye q10 tac -2/+44 wS
SELL for bo to Dontcare Aboutnames ty
echo black dye q9 str -3hex/ +29
s/b : 15e
r/b : 35e
b/o : 45e
Dye black on
Amber Aegis req9 str arm 16 arm +9 piercing-2wE
sb : 20k
rb : 50k
bo : 11e
Zodiac Shield Str Req 12
Heal +30
-2 wS
Zodiac +30-2wS : sb : 10e kretencina
co : 20stueyg
!news! rb : 28e
news bo : 33e
!news! Zodiac near perf -5/20 +29
sb 15e
rb 36e
bo 51e
s/b 15e
co : 25e Zaph
r/b 35e
bo 50e
sb 5e
rb 15e
bo 35e
hammer :
Zodiac q9 : rb 50k - bo 10e
Colossal pick q10 : SELL FOR BO
colossal pick q9 +15 wS : rb 35k bo 55k
colossal pick q9 +15 wE : rb 55k bo 10e
sb : 15k /each
sundering gothic axe full cast
co :50k BrazilianTrader
rb: 10e
bo : 15e
Zealous sundering : rb :8e
bo : 12e
Gda cast : co : 50 k BrazilianTrader
rb 15e
bo 22e
Sell other items :
rb : 10 k
bo : 5e
1: sb : 5k co :10k Zaph rb 3e
2: sb : 15k bo 4e
3: sb : 5e bo 15e
4 : sb : 5e bo 15e
5 : bo :1e
echo black dye q10 tac -2/+44 wS
SELL for bo to Dontcare Aboutnames ty
echo black dye q9 str -3hex/ +29
s/b : 15e
r/b : 35e
b/o : 45e
Dye black on
Amber Aegis req9 str arm 16 arm +9 piercing-2wE
sb : 20k
rb : 50k
bo : 11e
Zodiac Shield Str Req 12
Heal +30
-2 wS
Zodiac +30-2wS : sb : 10e kretencina
co : 20stueyg
!news! rb : 28e
news bo : 33e
!news! Zodiac near perf -5/20 +29
sb 15e
rb 36e
bo 51e
s/b 15e
co : 25e Zaph
r/b 35e
bo 50e
sb 5e
rb 15e
bo 35e
hammer :
Zodiac q9 : rb 50k - bo 10e
Colossal pick q10 : SELL FOR BO
colossal pick q9 +15 wS : rb 35k bo 55k
colossal pick q9 +15 wE : rb 55k bo 10e
sb : 15k /each
sundering gothic axe full cast
co :50k BrazilianTrader
rb: 10e
bo : 15e
Zealous sundering : rb :8e
bo : 12e
Gda cast : co : 50 k BrazilianTrader
rb 15e
bo 22e
Sell other items :
rb : 10 k
bo : 5e
1: sb : 5k co :10k Zaph rb 3e
2: sb : 15k bo 4e
3: sb : 5e bo 15e
4 : sb : 5e bo 15e
5 : bo :1e
s/b on the q9 str echovald
Chaos Theory Pvp
30 globs on the Echo q9
Purely Purity
50 pink things on the echo
galam harness
bump this thread
s/b on zodiac.................
galam harness
bump rb for echo in 24h
galam harness
bump this thread, add rb 62e
galam harness
bump this post
galam harness
bump to the top
galam harness
bump to the topppppp
b/o on q9 echovald
s/b on echo/obby combo
no name error
no name error
galam harness
upupupupup to the top
galam harness
bump to the top
galam harness
ump to the top $$$$
15e on zodiac 30/-2, rb?
galam harness
bump to the top add rb zod // rb combo oby + echo
16e on zodiac...........................
17e on zodiac .
galam harness
bump to thee top
galam harness
bump to the top
galam harness
bump and add shield , wea
s/b Hammer Sinway reaper
galam harness
bump this thread
galam harness
bump this thread
13e Giant Slayers Hammer, Adanel Jade.
Flint Lightning
14e hammer thx
galam harness
bump this post
galam harness
bump this post
16e hammer...
galam harness
bump this post
galam harness
bump this post
20e on the r12 zodiac shield...................
The Mountain
s/b on all gothics. PM me and we'll work out a price for the set, maybe.
IGN: Gregor The Mountain
IGN: Gregor The Mountain
r/b giant slayer hammer
IGN:Rea Tron
IGN:Rea Tron
galam harness
bump bump bump
My Name Is Taylor
12e emblazoned ign = t miles
The Mountain
23e on giant slayer if you still have
25e Giant slayers....