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Ikm Mskw
I'll buy your Spear Grip of Ench 20% - 10k
Coffee Man
100k Plagueborn sword
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
wand wrap HSR 5k
IGN Zanther Deathbringe
IGN Zanther Deathbringe
10k On Tanzit's Defender
IGN: Lina Ikina
IGN: Lina Ikina
5k each on the three green death magic staffs.
IGN: Lela of Gale
IGN: Lela of Gale
Originally Posted by Ikm Mskw
I'll buy your Spear Grip of Ench 20% - 10k
What's your IGN?
I haven't decided a b/o for the Plagueborn Sword yet.
I haven't decided a b/o for the Plagueborn Sword yet.
Not sure about prices
Spear Grip +30 - 6k, if not then lmk
Edit: Also offer 1k on +5 energy inscription
IGN: Secaf Yelims, better to pm me though since I'm afk
Spear Grip +30 - 6k, if not then lmk
Edit: Also offer 1k on +5 energy inscription
IGN: Secaf Yelims, better to pm me though since I'm afk
Summit Giant Herder
Charr Shaman
30K for both
ING: Armaige Horadreem
Charr Shaman
30K for both
ING: Armaige Horadreem
5k deld fire staff
4k each on str exalted aegis and bastion of the condemned
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
4k each on str exalted aegis and bastion of the condemned
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
plagueborn sword 15E
ign:roxie mon
ign:roxie mon
i ofeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
90e on plagueborn sword
coast monk
90e on plagueborn sword
coast monk