I'm short a couple of ectos on my next prospective purchase, so to fix that I am gonna sell a couple of things... (or try to).
1: q8 Forbidden Staff (Post-Nerf)
S/b: 100e
R/b: TBA
B/o: TBA
2: Sword Pommel of Charrslaying + 25%
S/b: 100k
R/b: TBA
B/o: TBA
3: Celestial Staff DF 20/20 Prot
S/b: 100k
R/b: TBA
B/o: TBA
4: Q9 +5e Broadsword (Canthan)
Delivered to Coast
Feel free to PM me if you need anything. Usual Rules. Once R/b is reached, I'll sell within 24 hours.
IGN = Sir Nicholas Buzan
q8 Air Postnerf Staff, 25% Charr Mod (Sword), Couple Others
Surge goes pre
Kiki Go Boom
s/b broadsword

pawning jock
s/b forbidden staff
Purely Purity
50k on the charr mod (at least thats what I paid recently)
Let me know, pal =]
Let me know, pal =]
Praetor Dracon
s/b celestial staff
b/o Broadsword
coast monk
coast monk
Surge goes pre
Bump. Delivered the Broadsword to Coast