14 High End Demon Shields|Envoy Axe,Vs,Oby Edge,Froggies
Jungle Lemon
New Thread Due to Updated Shields/Clean Thread
S/b on all Shields is going to be at 250e
will update when im happy with offers
#1 s/b 250e | C/o 850e
#2 s/b 250e | C/o 800e
#3 s/b 250e | C/o 250e
#4 s/b 250e | C/o 600e
#5 s/b 250e | C/o 350e
#6 s/b 250e | C/o 250e
#7 s/b 250e | C/o 600e
#8 s/b 250e | C/o 275e
#9 s/b 250e | C/o |
#10 s/b 250e | C/o |B/o 600e
#11 s/b 250e | C/o 250e |B/o 600e
#12 s/b 250e | C/o |B/o 600e
#13 s/b 250e | C/o |B/o 500e
#14 s/b 250e | C/o |B/o 350e (Sold)
Also for Sale
Envoy Axe B/o 200e (Sold for B/o)
Q9 Earth Froggy B/o 25e (Sold for B/o)
Q11 Channeling Froggy B/o 25e (Sold for B/o)
Q12 Voltaic Spear B/o 25e (black caster)(Awaiting Trade)
Q13 Obsidian Edge B/o 25e
Q9 Pyroclastic axe B/o 12e
EL Ghostly Priest B/o 45e (Sold for B/o)
Messages on Guru will be Ignored.
So Leave Your IGN's When you Bid Please.
Shields will not be sold unless i receive solid Offers
pawning jock
600e each on #2 || #4 || #7
Sam I Are
S/B on echo 1 and celestial 8
pawning jock
350e on echo
Asia Skyly
#3 Exalted: 250e
#1 Echovald: 500e
#1 Echovald: 500e
pawning jock
650e echovald
Better Than Koss
Sb on #5 kthx
850e echovald #1
800e outcast #2
800e outcast #2
Purely Purity
R13 tact 16/+10 demons -2wE echovald plus whatever item/ectos you want (not my darn IG -.-) for the R10 echovald.
You know I want it. I'll give you want you want. I'd do the same for you =P
You know I want it. I'll give you want you want. I'd do the same for you =P
s/b #6
IGN: Ima Go Farm Now
IGN: Ima Go Farm Now
Belle Dwayna
350e on #5
275e #8
IGN The Assassin Dutch
IGN The Assassin Dutch
Jungle Lemon
bump ~~~~~~~
Jungle Lemon
bump ~~~~~~~
Asia Skyly
b/o on embossed
Mig Coconut
s/b 11..............
King Of The Abyss
b/o r12 vs.
Sin Of The Abyss
Sin Of The Abyss
Jungle Lemon
bump ~~~~~~~