I mainly PvP so if you want to help me you;ll be signing up for a lot of running to towns, quest doing, missions, etc. What you will earn is loads of gold.
If you want to know which titles I need:
Scarlet Test Ace
- HoM calculater. Honor Title track only atm since I can get the rest myself
Currently need:
Eternal Conqueror of Sorrow's Furnace
Eternal Conqueror of the Deep
Eternal Conqueror of Urgoz's Warren
Eternal Conqueror of the Fissure of Woe
Eternal Conqueror of the Underworld
Eternal Conqueror of the Domain of Anguish
Eternal Survivor
Eternal Bookah
Eternal Delver
Eternal Slayer
Eternal Ebon Vanguard Agent
Probably means a ton of speedbooks
Protector titles as well but those will come from HM missions
I'm usually on at random times but on a lot and usually I'll have GW open on the side i you pm me.
<IGN: Scarlet Test Ace
- someone pmed me saying they thought my ign was on the side lol :/..so correcting it
-I understand that this will take a lot of time so I know it will be expensive but I assure you I have plenty of cash.