Closed: PC on few items

Lethal L

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2012


Hello, looking for a price check on the following items please:

Inscriptable - CLEAN Demonic Aegis Q9 Command

Inscriptable - CLEAN Grim Scythe Q9 Scythe Mastery

Inscriptable - Wintergreen Spear

A thank you in advance to any helpers, you have my appreciation.

Lethal L

The Serious Monk

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010

[WTB] q7/8 Tactics Darkwing/Enameled Shields Non Max or Max Armor. Pm Me Here or In Game! :)

S E X Y Shinigami [ちモメソ]


Demonic 30k-40k
Grim (Maybe merch, wait for more opinions)
Wintergreen 220ectos-250ectos