LF Cartographer help
I'm currently searching for somebody to map out Tyria,Cantha, and Elona. I am currently at 93%+ on each one, and for each one completed im willing to pay 20k for Tyria and Cantha. 30k for Elona. If interested and you need screens of my map, PM me or whisper me in game. Sin Healing Monkey
fires element
i'd say the best solution for you is download texmod. it will show you all the areas you still need to uncover. since you are at roughly 93% i'd say you still have quite a bit. i can think of a couple places in cantha and elona off the top of my head. for cantha have you done the challenge missions i.e amatz basin and aurios mines. also jade quarry and fort aspenwood count as well. for elona have you done the remains of sahlahja mini-mission?