req 8 dom
+12 e
inscribed chakram skin
PC on Q8 Dom offhand
Loki Seiguro
Loki Seiguro
no idea from anyone after 60+ views?
someone told be it was around 5-15e or something. but i would think it ould be higher since dom is used on many mesmers and it is gold :
someone told be it was around 5-15e or something. but i would think it ould be higher since dom is used on many mesmers and it is gold :
this blue would be 15kish, so 5-15e ide say is accurate being gold. but i personally wouldn't sell for less the 10e
I would be interested in buying this from you. Please pm me in game if you wish to talk prices. I sent you a pm but not sure what the limitations of your situation is.
Ign Uber Bagel
Ign Uber Bagel