Many will be "merch" skins, but I decided to post them here anyway. Hopefully the format is search-friendly for you to find the skin you want. Some skins have multiples
IGN: Priestess Tess
SkinWeapon TypeAttribute ReqBarbed AxeAxeAxe MasteryCrude AxeAxeAxe MasteryGreat AxeAxeAxe MasteryHand AxeAxeAxe MasteryLesser Jagged ReaverAxeAxe MasterySickleAxeAxe MasterySickleAxeAxe MasterySpiked AxeAxeAxe MasteryUngula AxeAxeAxe MasteryWar AxeAxeAxe MasteryWinged AxeAxeAxe MasteryAureate LongbowBowMarksmanshipDead BowBowMarksmanshipDead BowBowMarksmanshipFeathered FlatbowBowMarksmanshipHalf MoonBowMarksmanshipIvory BowBowMarksmanshipIvory BowBowMarksmanshipLongbowBowMarksmanshipSkull HornbowBowMarksmanshipWooden LongbowBowMarksmanshipArrowblade DaggersDaggerDagger MasteryBronze DaggersDaggerDagger MasteryGilded DaggersDaggerDagger MasteryThunderfist's Brass KnucklesDaggerDagger MasteryThunderfist's Brass KnucklesDaggerDagger MasteryAccursed IconFocusCursesAir PrismFocusAir MagicBleached SkullFocusSoul ReapingFire PrismFocusFire MagicFlame ArtifactFocusFire MagicGilded ArtifactFocusFast CastingGolden ChaliceFocusEnergy StorageGrim CestaFocusDeath MagicInscribed ChakramFocusDomination MagicStarfish FocusFocusInspiration MagicStarfish FocusFocusInspiration MagicBronze CrusherHammerHammer MasteryIgneous MaulHammerHammer MasteryPiranha HammerHammerHammer MasteryRighteous MaulHammerHammer MasteryRuby MaulHammerHammer MasteryRunic HammerHammerHammer MasteryGazing ScepterScepterDomination MagicHoly RodScepterDivine FavorWailing WandScepterDeath MagicWailing WandScepterDeath MagicWhalekin WandScepterWater MagicWhalekin WandScepterWater MagicWooden Boar ScepterScepterDivine FavorBronze ScytheScytheScythe MasteryBronze ScytheScytheScythe MasteryElegant ScytheScytheScythe MasteryElegant ScytheScytheScythe MasteryGrim ScytheScytheScythe MasteryGrim ScytheScytheScythe MasteryHooked ScytheScytheScythe MasterySuntouched ScytheScytheScythe MasterySuntouched ScytheScytheScythe MasteryAncient ShieldShieldCommandEagle DefenderShieldMotivationGoldleaf DefenderShieldCommandGoldleaf DefenderShieldCommandKappa ShieldShieldStrengthOaken AegisShieldStrengthPlated ShieldShieldMotivationReinforced DefenderShieldMotivationShield of the LionShieldStrengthSkull ShieldShieldCommandSpiked TargeShieldTacticsBanded SpearSpearSpear MasteryBroadhead SpearSpearSpear MasteryGuardian SpearSpearSpear MasterySpiraling SpearSpearSpear MasteryTribal SpearSpearSpear MasteryClairvoyant StaffStaffDomination MagicDead StaffStaffDeath MagicDolyak Prod StaffStaffAir MagicDragon Spire StaffStaffInspiration MagicDragon Spire StaffStaffInspiration MagicEarth Staff (Canthan)StaffEarth MagicEnsorcelling StaffStaffDomination MagicEnsorcelling StaffStaffDomination MagicJeweled StaffStaffIllusion MagicPrimitive StaffStaffCommuningWater StaffStaffWater MagicWater StaffStaffWater MagicWater StaffStaffWater MagicCrested MacheteSwordSwordsmanshipElemental SwordSwordSwordsmanshipFanged SwordSwordSwordsmanshipGolden MacheteSwordSwordsmanshipGolden Phoenix BladeSwordSwordsmanshipIcy Dragon Sword (Nick)SwordSwordsmanshipSephis SwordSwordSwordsmanshipShort SwordSwordSwordsmanshipSpathaSwordSwordsmanship
Here is the list of Green Weapons:
SkinWeapon TypeAttribute ReqRobah's AxeAxeAxe MasteryTotem AxeAxeAxe MasteryTotem AxeAxeAxe MasteryTotem AxeAxeAxe Mastery
[Mods please close all of my older threads if I missed some]
5k on Cleaver and 5k on Stone Chakram
IGN: Divine Galaxa
IGN: Divine Galaxa
Bump! Golds and Green weapons for everyone!
Sealegs Steve
5k on the Sephis Sword
IGN: Jad the Second
IGN: Jad the Second
Dar Drakor
5k on the ornate spear
Averaine Clou
7k earth staff (only if the skin is Canthan)
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
4k on bastion of condemned, cyndrs aegis, exalted str shield
2k on stygian spear
3k on the darksong, rit shadow staff
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
reserve right to retract if i find these or comparable items in game before auction ends.
2k on stygian spear
3k on the darksong, rit shadow staff
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
reserve right to retract if i find these or comparable items in game before auction ends.
Bump bump. Still a lot more to go; if it's still in the top post, it's still with me
Bump bump. Give your heroes greens and get some gold skins
Kappa Shield 5k
IGN: Xerxes Bezariusu
IGN: Xerxes Bezariusu
1k on the Gilded Daggers please.
/Mercy Wildblood
/Mercy Wildblood
The Noob Face
Fire prism :4k
Fury of Balthazar
EDITED by Messy for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Fury of Balthazar
EDITED by Messy for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.