HELP! Stuck in Nightfall Campaign!
The Komodo
I am stuck between missions Kodonur Crossroads and Rilohn Refuge (Master of Whispers). So what I think happened is after completing Kodonur Crossroads I received the quest "A Mysterious Message". I chose Master of Whispers and completed the quest in Jahai Bluffs. By choosing Master of Whispers I received the quest "Secrets in the Shadow". I stopped playing Nightfall here and I must have abandoned the quest because I no longer have it. I can't complete it because I can't receive it again and I need the quest or Dehjah won't summon the earth demons that need to be killed to complete the quest. I can't get it from Master of Whispers because he is no longer in Jahai Bluffs since I already completed "A Mysterious Message". I don't know what to do :/
Your next mission might be "To Kill a Demon" out side of Kodonur Crossroads.
The Komodo
But Master of Whispers and Dehjah are still standing outside ready to do Secrets in the Shadow. but Dehjah won't summon the earth demons.
Have you spoken to masters outside jahai bluffs for secrets in the shadows? If you have then you probably completed it and you need to talk to masters outside dejarin estates.
The Komodo
but what if I abandoned it? thats my problem. I can't get it back.
Dar Drakor
Are you sure you dont have the "For A Price" quest either active or...worse...completed? They are mutually exclusive.
If you have "For A Price" active, abandon it and you should be able to go back and reclaim "Secrets in the Shadows" quest.
If youve finished "For A Price" (key sign is if you have the "No Me, No Kormir" quest OR if Margrid is a hero of yours) then, well, you wont be able to do "Secrets in the Shadows" quest and, more importantly, wont be able to get Masters as a hero until you finish the entire NF campaign.
If you have "For A Price" active, abandon it and you should be able to go back and reclaim "Secrets in the Shadows" quest.
If youve finished "For A Price" (key sign is if you have the "No Me, No Kormir" quest OR if Margrid is a hero of yours) then, well, you wont be able to do "Secrets in the Shadows" quest and, more importantly, wont be able to get Masters as a hero until you finish the entire NF campaign.