Closed: PC on OS Celestial golds


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2012


Picked up a few Celestial items tonight, and I think that some of them may be worth something (the bow in particular). Anyone willing to help out? Thanks!

01. Crippling Celestial Longbow of Warding

02. Furious Celestial Sword of Defense

03. Barbed Celestial Sword of Demonslaying

04. Shocking Celestial Daggers of Dagger Mastery

05. Crippling Celestial Axe of Shelter

...and one non-Celestial:
06. Sundering Kaineng Axe of Defense

Edit: 3 more for price check
07. Celestial Shield (q10 Tactics)

08. Defensive Holy Staff of Fortitude

09. Deadly Cesta (dual inscrip modded)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


1. 30k
2. merchant
3. merchant
4. merchant
5. merchant
6. 5k

The Serious Monk

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010

[WTB] q7/8 Tactics Darkwing/Enameled Shields Non Max or Max Armor. Pm Me Here or In Game! :)

S E X Y Shinigami [ちモメソ]


Agree with above

7. Merch
8. Merch-2k :P
9. Merch-10k (Not sure about this one so wait for more opinions)


Coffee Man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Miss Ascalon Int [dis]


30k for 1 is imo overprice.. These are overfarmed thanks to feather farm and the popular celestial chest running. I recently was after one myself and ppl asked around 15k