After trying to clear out my storage, I decided I should really give these away. So, they're free to good homes.
My IGN is Ella Aura. If you post here, I will hold the minipet for 24 hours and do my best to find you in-game. However, if I have trouble with that then the item you asked for might go to someone else.
All of these are dedicated, meaning you can't use them in your HoM.
- Miniature Abyssal
- Miniature Heket Warrior
- Miniature Krait Neoss
- Miniature Ophil Nahuali
- Miniature Temple Guardian
Free dedicated minipets to good homes.
Crazy Kewlaid
can i have the krait neoss, the ophil nahuali, and the abyssal? my IGN: Hello Moks
Edit: Forgive me, did not notice they were dedicated! DOH