Storage Clearout: Weapons & Knockoff pets


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


Sorry if its a disorganised wall -
Please offer if no price is listed, and dont shy off shooting an offer if my listed price is a bit too much - Desperate to make space.

First off, non-title assorted stuff:

Unded MOX - 28e
Unded Water Djinn
Unded Jora
Unded Nian
Everlasting Kahmu - 15k
Everlasting Zenmai - 15k

Elite Monk Tome
Elite Elementalist Tome (x2)

Wand Wrapping of Memory (x4)
Axe Grip of Enchanting (x2)

30x ToT Bags
14x Flasks of Firewater
241x Hard Apple Ciders
36x Shamrock Ales
35x Pumpkin Pies
37x Candy Corn

....Dedicated pets - Free

Desert Griffon
Wind Rider
Harpy Ranger

...Weapons & Equipment - Again, a mess, please offer & lowball (Even just to pay for the mods on them)
1. Plagueborn Staff - Q11 Div Favor, HCT 10% Oldschool
2. Greater Dark Scimitar - Q9 3/-1, 15^50, 30+, Inscr.
3. Chidehkir's Deliverance
4. Sephis Sword - Q9 3/-1, 15^50, Inscr.
5. Runic Blade - Q11 +5e, Inscr.
6. Golden Machete - Q9 3/-1, 15^50, Inscr.
7. Talon Daggers - Q9 Zealous, 20% Ench, 15^ench, Inscr.
8. Talon Daggers - Q10 Zealous +5arm, 15^50, Inscr.
9. Asterius' Scythe
10. Fire Wand - Q9 Fire HSR 20%, +5e<50, Oldschool
11. Ruby Maul - Q10 15^50 Inscr.
12. Stonehead Hammer - Q10 Furious, 15^50, Inscr.
13. Savage Daggers - Q13 15^50, Inscr.
14. Crenellated Sword - Q11 +5e, 3/-1, Oldschool
15. Murakai's Reaver
16. Fendi's Rod
17. Bone Staff - Q9 Death, +5e, HCT 9%, Oldschool - 1k
18. Dwarven Hammer - Q12 15^50, Inscr.
19. Greater Jagged Reaver - Q9 15^50, 20% Ench, Inscr.
20. Platinum Longbow - Q9 20/20, 15^50, +30hp, Inscr.
21. Legendary Sword - Q11 +5e, 20% Ench, Inscr.
22. Marble Hammer - Q9 15^50, 20^Plants, Oldschool
23. Dead Bow - Q9 15^50, Oldschool
24. Composite Bow - Q9 15^50, Oldschool
25. Shadow Bow - Q13, 15^-5e, Oldschool
26. Platinum Longbow - Q9 15^50, 20/20, +30hp, Inscr.
27. Shadow Bow - Q9 +5e, Oldschool
28. Shadow Bow - Q9 15^-5e, 5/-1, +30hp, Oldschool
29. Reaper's Blade
30. Jagged Reaver - Q9 3/-1, 15^50, Oldschool
31. Draconic Spear - Q13 +5e, Inscr.
32. Holy Staff - Q11 Div Favor, +5e, HCT 19% Smiting, Oldschool
33. Smiting Staff - Q9 20% Daze, Oldschool
34. Magmas Arm - Q10 15^50, Inscr.
35. Sephis Sword - Q11 +5e, Inscr.
36. Sephis Sword - Q11 +5e, Inscr.
37. Bronze Edge - Q9, +5e, 20% Ench, Inscr.
38. Gloom Shield Q11 Tact, Inscr.
39. Chaos Axe Q10 15^-10, Oldschool
40. Spiriteater
41. Chaos Axe - Q10 15^-10, Oldschool
42. Emblazoned Defender - Q11 Tact +30hp, Inscr.
43. Cleaver - Q12, +5e, 20% Ench, Furious, Inscr.
44. GoTH - Q12 Tact, Inscr.
45. Sephis Axe - Q9 15^-10, Furious, Inscr.
46. Gloom Shield - Q9 Tact, Inscr.
47. Tower Shield - Q9 Str, Inscr.
48. Brute Sword - Q13 +5e, Inscr.
49. Elemental Sword - Q10, 15^50, Inscr.
50. Shining Maul - Q9 15^50, +30hp, Inscr.
51. Shining Maul - Q10, 15^50, 20/20, Inscr.
52. Summit Hammer - Q10 15^50, 20/20, Inscr.
53. Magmas Arm - Q10, 15^50, 20/20, +30hp, Inscr.
54. Platinum Longbow - Q9 15^50, +30hp, Inscr.
55. Dead Bow - Q9 15^50, Oldschool
56. Celestial Longbow - Q13 15^50, Inscr.
57. Brute Sword - Q9 15^50, 20/20, Inscr.
58. Serpent Axe - Q9 15^50, 20/20, +30hp, Inscr.
59. Fire Staff - Q9 - HCT 10%, Oldschool
60. Kaolin Blade
61. Bronze Crusher - Q10 15^50, Inscr.
62. Elemental Sword - Q9 +5e, 20% Ench, Inscr.

...done, IGN Omar Beastongue

...Wtb Furious Spearheads & some 1.2k Lockpicks


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2010

Under my bed behind my window


14x Flasks of Firewater
241x Hard Apple Ciders
8x Red Rock Candies
36x Shamrock Ales
35x Pumpkin Pies
37x Candy Corn

IGN: Angel of Truths



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Guardians of the Stars



IGN - Funeral Spring


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


Sorry for the late catch-up, but bump



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I'll take the unded dagnar for 55k
pm me for my ign


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


Bump, Rock Candies sold IG, will try and contact the two of you though



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006


F*ck Yeah Ion Cannons [dBal]


Everlasting Zenmai - 15k

IGN : Casca Ex Inferis


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2012

Sword Of Justice


Tower shield (47) - 50k?

IGN: zjakke of leith


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2010

Under my bed behind my window


Ruby Maul 1k

IGN: Angel of Truths



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS]

Asterius' Scythe - 5k

IGN: Shaz Is Back


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

London, Uk


40k for the water djinn

IGN: Campana Bellator


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008



21 -- 2k

IGN: Agni Phoenix


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2012


16 - 2k
40 - 3k

ign: Derek Ruglia



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Plymouth, Uk



1k each on Unded Jora and Unded Nian please. /Mercy Wildblood


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2012

I'll buy any 15>50 +30 20/20 weapon for 10k for the mods .

IGN Calneon Nemesis