Topaz Scepter req9 Domination Magic insc
Topaz Scepter req9 Soul Reaping insc
2x Demonic Aegis req9 tactics insc
b/o:25k (each)
Draconic Aegis req11 strength insc
Voltaic Spear req 11 insc
Golden Eggs got 107 of them
all eggs for 30k
I reserve the right to not sell these items if the bids are too low or w/e I might be willing to trade some of these items for other items.
Topaz Scepter Demonic+Draconic Aegis VS
Better Than Knight
Better Than Knight
bump added some stuff
Better Than Knight
bump lowered b/o and sold some items in game
Better Than Knight
bump added another sheild+lowered b/o on topaz scepter
Top Trader
5e on topaz q9 dom
IGN: En Tra N Cing
IGN: En Tra N Cing