Hi there. I'm looking for an AFK NM/Bonus Prophecies run. I still currently need,
-Bloodstone Fen
-Aurora Glade
-Riverside Province
-Sanctum Cay
-Elona Reach
-Dunes of Despair
-Thirsty River
-Dragon's Lair
-Ice Caves of Sorrow
-Iron Mines of Moladune
-Thunderhead Keep
-Ring of Fire
-Abaddon's Mouth
-Hell's Precipice
I do have a Vamp weapon and a set of -75 Hp armor that I will have equipped. Lemme know what you want to charge for this and/or any requests you have of me. Either contact me ingame if I'm online and if I don't respond PM me here.
IGN- Shaho Tinaro
LF Prophicies NM/Bonus run AFK
I'll be able to do these for you
IGN: Lord Hammerhead
IGN: Lord Hammerhead
Gorn Blitzbane
Hey there, it's your Mission Runner here. I'll be away at a family dinner for the day, I was on earlier for a few hours but did not see you on, so we can finish up your final missions later tonight or tomorrow (depends if you're on when I get back). If you want to find someone else to finish up for you, it's fine, if not, then see you tonight or tomorrow! =)
Take care,
Gorn Blitzbane.
Take care,
Gorn Blitzbane.