Absolute Newbie LF FoW Forgemaster Run


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2012


Hiya Peeps,

There was once a time i remembered seeing only a hand full of people with Obsidium armor, but now i've heard even lvl 7s can get it, i truely vommited in my cup of tea while reading it.

I have a few quick questions before requesting a service,

Is FoW Forgemaster a service? If so, whats the price of these runs? whats the possible pros and cons of this service (besides getting boosted)

Will i be able to obtain obsidium armor upon completion?

Is anyone able to run me while i pick my nose and looking amazed at it?

Done! Thanks WoWthatsme haha! :]]

I'm looking for a run if FoW forgemaster runs are possible! obvs pay for the tour Thanks



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2009



It depends, a Forgemaster run can be a service, but it can also be done by any player (as long as they have decent heroes).
These services go from about 20-30k, in my opinion.
Pros: Level 7 with Obsidian Armor is quite cool =P
Cons (besides boosting): Can't really think of any?
Obsidian armor will be available to you after the run is completed, as long as you have the required materials. (These being 100+ectos and 100+obsidian shards).
I will be able to complete this service for you, I generally charge 25k for this service.
You can sit back and do absolutely nothing, except follow along and watch
In-game name: Run Away Tactics