hey im selling this ornate shield and two amber aegis
Ornate Shield
Armor: 16 (Requires 12 Tactics)
Recieved physical damage -2 (While enchanted)
Health +44 (While enchanted)
s/b 10e
r/b ?
b/o tba
Amber Aegis
Armor: 16 (Requires 11 Strength)
Armor +10 (vs. Demons)
s/b 1e
r/b ?
b/o 60k
Amber Aegis
Armor: 16 (Requires 12 Tactics)
Armor +10 (vs. Demons)
s/b 1e
r/b ?
b/o 50k
thanks very much and happy bidding
OS ornate shield/amber aegis
synyster hates
synyster hates
synyster hates
b/o #3
IGN: I Love Keegan
IGN: I Love Keegan