Vampiric and Un-ID Gold, Greens, EL Margrid and More stuff
Doctor Overlord
Everlasting Tonic - Margrid the Sly - Start bid 20k
1 Rez scroll - Start bid 2k
4 Victory Tokens
Unidentified Gold - Holy Staff
Fire Dmg 11-22 (10 Div Favor)
(Gold) Vampiric Elegant Scythe of Defense
Slashing 9-39 (10 Scythe)
Life Draining: 5
Health Regen: -1
Armor +5
Inscription "Dance with Death"
Damage +14% (while in a Stance)
(Green) The Adjuticator Recurve bow
Piercing Dmg 15-28 (9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%
Lengthens Poison duration by 33% (stacking)
Marksmanship +1 (20% chance when using skills)
(Green) Lord Glaius' Staff
Energy +10
Cold Dam 11-22 (9 Water magic)
Halves recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +5 (while enchanted)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Health +30
Start bid 5k
(Green) The Adjudicator
Cold Dmg 11-22 (9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (Health above 50%)
Lengthens poison duration 33% (Stacking)
Marksmanship +1 (20%)
Sold items
4 Destroyer Cores - Sold Aegia Mirth Ka
30 Zaishen Copper coins - 600 gold - Sold
Zealous Dagger Tang - Sold
1 Cloth of Brotherhood - Sold
200 Glacial Stones - Sold
1 Rez scroll - Start bid 2k
4 Victory Tokens
Unidentified Gold - Holy Staff
Fire Dmg 11-22 (10 Div Favor)
(Gold) Vampiric Elegant Scythe of Defense
Slashing 9-39 (10 Scythe)
Life Draining: 5
Health Regen: -1
Armor +5
Inscription "Dance with Death"
Damage +14% (while in a Stance)
(Green) The Adjuticator Recurve bow
Piercing Dmg 15-28 (9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%
Lengthens Poison duration by 33% (stacking)
Marksmanship +1 (20% chance when using skills)
(Green) Lord Glaius' Staff
Energy +10
Cold Dam 11-22 (9 Water magic)
Halves recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +5 (while enchanted)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Health +30
Start bid 5k
(Green) The Adjudicator
Cold Dmg 11-22 (9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (Health above 50%)
Lengthens poison duration 33% (Stacking)
Marksmanship +1 (20%)
Sold items
4 Destroyer Cores - Sold Aegia Mirth Ka
30 Zaishen Copper coins - 600 gold - Sold
Zealous Dagger Tang - Sold
1 Cloth of Brotherhood - Sold
200 Glacial Stones - Sold
Phoebe Poison
Unded Forest Minotaur - 8k
IGN Phoebe Poison
IGN Phoebe Poison
Doctor Overlord
I'll try to contact you in-game Phoebe.
I'll try to contact you in-game Phoebe.
Doctor Overlord
Bumpage. 12 char
Doctor Overlord
Bumpity Bump.
Doctor Overlord
Another bump.
Spin City
3 Golden Rin Relics - 2k each
Total = 6k
IGN: Kira Ann Ru
Total = 6k
IGN: Kira Ann Ru
Doctor Overlord
Bump Bumpage
4 destroyer cores = 1k total. IGN: Amidala Shari.
Doctor Overlord
Bump and Bump
1 Cloth of Brotherhood - 4k
IGN - Funeral Spring
IGN - Funeral Spring
4 Destroyer Cores, 1200 (@300g ea). IGN Aegia Mirth Ka
Doctor Overlord
Bumpage Bump
Doctor Overlord
Bumperage Bump
Doctor Overlord
Bump bump bump
Doctor Overlord
Bump grind and bump
Doctor Overlord
Bumping bump
Doctor Overlord
Bump for some different stuff