PvX We are looking for some Battletoads!
T h e T o a d
The Toad is putting together a PvP team. We're not looking for anyone hardcore, and we don't really have any requirements. Our officers have personally taken groups of completely new people into a GvG and dominated ranked guilds back when rank actually meant something, so we don't really put too much stock into "/guild" or "/rank" or any of that.
We just need a few people who are looking to raise some hell In fact, if you think you are a complete noob at PvP, but would like to try it - you are precisely who we want!
We'll teach, we'll help you cap the skills, and so on and so forth. Just bring your awesome personality! We will likely use some kind of VoiP to do this, and we do currently have a GSC server, the details of which are "within the guild".
If this sounds attractive, contact me through private message on here, or PM us in game at:
IGN: Vitaeum Romana
IGN: Subzero Ray
IGN: Okono Orochi
IGN: The Unloveableone
We are in the United States, spanning from GMT-8 to GMT-6. Our peak comes around 7:00 pm PST to about 12:00 am on most days.
I'll see you in game!
- Vit
The Toad