Closed: PC on some old staffs/wands (got PC)

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


Started playing again a bit, had this stuff since way before factions so it's old old stuff, hoping at least something is maybe worth a few k (y, im optimistic).

All items are maxed and gold unless stated otherwise.

1. Deadly cesta q8 HSR 10%
2. Deadly cesta q9 HSR 20% death magic
3. Grim cesta q9 death +44ench HSR20% curses
4. Dead staff HSR 20% q10 HCT 20%death +30hp
5. Bone staff q12 HSR 20% HCT 10% +5e
6. Accursed staff q10 HSR 20% curses +5 (old staff, before HSR mod was on every staff)
7. Inscribed staff q13 domination HSR 10% HCT 20% domination +5e +7armor (same as above, old gold staff)
8. Amber staff HSR 20% q9 blood HCT 10%
9.(purple) Fellblade q8 14^50
10. Channeling rod 11-21dmg q7 channeling +14/-1e HSR20% resto

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


Daily bump......

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


Daily bumP....

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


daily bump......

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


still need a pc......buMP

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by Bandit Youko View Post
Started playing again a bit, had this stuff since way before factions so it's old old stuff, hoping at least something is maybe worth a few k (y, im optimistic).

All items are maxed and gold unless stated otherwise.

1. Deadly cesta q8 HSR 10% Merch imo
2. Deadly cesta q9 HSR 20% death magic Merch
3. Grim cesta q9 death +44ench HSR20% curses Merch
4. Dead staff HSR 20% HCT 20%death +30hp Req?
5. Bone staff q12 HSR 20% HCT 10% +5eMerch
6. Accursed staff q10 HSR 20% curses +5 (old staff, before HSR mod was on every staff) Screenshot? I'm pretty sure it's merch as well, since it's monomod prebuff/nerf
7. Inscribed staff q13 domination HSR 10% HCT 20% domination +5e +7armor (same as above, old gold staff)bad skin, high req, I'd recommend merch, though this one might be like 10k ish due to being old and semi-perfect
8. Amber staff HSR 20% q9 blood HCT 10%def merch
9.(purple) Fellblade q8 14^50 30k ish
10. Channeling rod 11-21dmg q7 channeling +14/-1e HSR20% restoNo idea, weird piece of weaponry
Roses are red
Violets are blue
All your base are belong to us
God I'm a nerd

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


Ty for the pc, added the q for staff, also 6. is mono mod.
Would still like more opinions before I merch all (mostly for 10.)

Bandit Youko

Bandit Youko

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Europe; Slovenia


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Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

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1. Deadly cesta q8 HSR 10% - might get 5kish

2. Deadly cesta q9 HSR 20% death magic - merch

3. Grim cesta q9 death +44ench HSR20% curses - mixed and not max, etc - merch

4. Dead staff HSR 20% q10 HCT 20%death +30hp 5-10k

5. Bone staff q12 HSR 20% HCT 10% +5e -- merch

6. Accursed staff q10 HSR 20% curses +5 (old staff, before HSR mod was on every staff) 5-10k

7. Inscribed staff q13 domination HSR 10% HCT 20% domination +5e +7armor (same as above, old gold staff) 30k+ imo... won't get tons but worth a bit

8. Amber staff HSR 20% q9 blood HCT 10% -- merch

9.(purple) Fellblade q8 14^50 - 30k+

10. Channeling rod 11-21 dmg q7 channeling +14/-1e HSR20% resto 30-50k+ not max damage and mixed, could go much higher. Hard to say