Hey guys just selling most of my stuff to free up some space on my account.
Minis: DED
Zhu, mursaat, flowstone, thorn wolf, jade armor, fungal, siege devouer, temple guardian, roaring ether, wind rider
cave spider, Freezie, Celestial Dragon, shard wolf, irukandji, desert grifforn x2, mursaat, seer, celestial dragon
q9 ancient scythe
q9 (iluusion) fuscia staff
q9 gloom shield (str)
q9 ancient shield (command)
q9 platinum longbow x2
q10 exalted aiges (str)
q10 GTOH (str)
q9 fanged sword
q9 sephis axe (purple)
q9 kappa shield (tactics)
q10 diamond aiges (tactics)
q11 collosal scimitar
q9 sephis sword
q9 IDS
q9 fellblade x2
q9 (h3al) eternal flame wand
q9 earth prism
q9 bladed recurve bow
q9 igneous blade x2
q9 mamoth axe
q9 gothic axe
q9 lesser jagged reaver
q9 ivory bow
Rune of Superior Vigor
elite ranger tome x2
elite assasin tome x2
elite dervish tome
elite monk tome
elite mesmer tome
elite para tomeelite necro tome
black dye
white dye 2x
IGN Healing gone Wild
Everything Must GO Sell Out
Naga Slicer
10K each on unded Seer, unded Shard Wolf and Q.9 Fellblade
bumpage to le top
Kay The Gorgeous
i'd like to buy elite monk tome 6k
<<< IGN
<<< IGN
cele dragon 35K
ign: roxie mon
ign: roxie mon
cave spider 7k
IGN: Ulric the Crusher
IGN: Ulric the Crusher