Thanks for looking. Here's a few chest drops. Not sure of the value so I'll let the market decide. Sorry if I have any obvious merch food here.
IGN: Voodoo Rage or Baby Bloodsong (2nd account)
#1 20/20 Celestial
S/B 1k
B/O 16e (met)
S/B 1k
B/O ??
S/B 1k
B/O ??
OS Canthan Chest Drops, 20/20 Celestial
Voodoo Rage
The Serious Monk
S/b on Celestial Staff
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
5k on Celestial staff
1k on Koi Scepter
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
1k on Koi Scepter
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
9e cele staff
10k illu scepter
ign = balashi ftw
10k illu scepter
ign = balashi ftw
Voodoo Rage
Final Bump.............................
Lynette Le Sange
12e on cele staff
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
13e staff, ign= balashi ftw
Lynette Le Sange
15e staff....
16e on the staff