Hello, as the title sais im working on equipping my new ranger. I'm looking for the following. All weapons must be clean and inscribable(if not clean please lmk in your post or PM)
R9 Dragon Hornbow-10k
R9 Vabbian Recurve Bow-10k
3x Daggers of Purity-20kea
PM me ingame @ Hippie Wep Weps or post here with your item. I'll get back to you as soon as possible
Timezone is EST(-5)
Im on and off most of the day
EDIT: Will update the list as time allows, these are my priorities as far as weapons for now
Edit:Bought stormbow ingame
WTB Ranger Wantlist:Pretty much all martial weapons needed!
Coffee Man
I got a req9 Dragon Hornbow Gold insc for you
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
IGN ---> Azeral Styx