Please, buy it fast, because i need cash for nine rings :P
All pets are undedi.
1. Mini Asura
s/b 8 e
c/o ---
b/o 13 e
2. Mini Asura
s/b 8 e
c/o ---
b/o 13e
3. Mini Asura
s/b 8 e
c/o ---
b/o 13e
4. Mini Gray Giant
s/b 8 e
c/o ---
b/o 13e
6. Mini Gray Giant
s/b 8 e
c/o ---
b/o 13e
7. Mini Celestial Rat
s/b 10e
c/o ---
b/o 15e
8. Mini Varesh
s/b 13e
c/o ---
b/o 20e
Ecto = 7k
Some Undedi Minis (asura, gray giant, rat, varesh)
Queen of Hearths
Retracted purchased in game.
varesh 13e (s/b)
IGN Arya the trickster
P.S. when does this finish? and what is your IGN (im assuming Queen of hearths, but just to check)
IGN Arya the trickster
P.S. when does this finish? and what is your IGN (im assuming Queen of hearths, but just to check)
Queen of Hearths
Sure, my IGN is the same as here. I play very often, so please PM me on forum.
If varesh hasn't already sold, i'll bid 14e
IGN: Theblack Arrow
IGN: Theblack Arrow