There isn't really a trading forum, and I guess this fits in with services, but I wasn't sure, so let me know if you think otherwise.
I'm looking for someone who would be willing to trade an Armbrace for my complete set of 60 gems.
I'd like to tick off a few more points in my HOM, but don't get the opportunity to play for extended periods at the current time, so I can't manage to get into DOA.
I can offer a few platinum for your time, but I can't give much as I've blown most of it on other HOM things.
IGN: Alitta Shepard
***mod edit--moved to buy---more closely resembles a buy than a service----mod edit***
Seeking DOA Regular
Rushin Roulette
Heya. I can do that for you (or a guildy of mine is always looking for complete gem sets to trade for Armbraces).
I will be online in about 3 hours from the time of this post (naming online Times would not be usefull as Timezones would mess this up) if you still need the Armbrace later.
my ign. is Dethly Spirited
I will be online in about 3 hours from the time of this post (naming online Times would not be usefull as Timezones would mess this up) if you still need the Armbrace later.
my ign. is Dethly Spirited