PC on smiting celestial staff p2

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




yes, i was kinda confused and not very clear last time, so i try again with this PC:

i'm looking for PC on smiting celestial staff
lets say with at least HSR of spells 17%, HCT of spells 7% (inscription-ish)
max req 12 smiting

i hope someone can point me out in the direction of some prices for this staff, with the bonusses at least like these, so can be higher, but staff head and wrapping dont need to be counted (if you know a price which has em, plz do tell me)

sry, as i'm a lil sleepy and dont know much about PC's (price checks that is )

thx in advance

i cant post twice in same thread i saw, so:

i said "at least" meaning i'd also like prices of better ones

i'm trying to get a price to buy one, not to sell one, thats why i asked for a few prices maybe at a pretty good range for such staff



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2012


A 17/7 celestial staff with r12 smiting? Merch fodder. If you're looking to buy one I think you'll be hard pressed solely on the fact that anyone getting one will probably think the same.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006


Country Roads [HOME]

Ya, merch.
Even if it was req12 20/10 you'd only be looking at a few k max with luck.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006


Country Roads [HOME]

If you just want a 20/10 version
req9 should be in the 25-45k-range
req10 maybe 10-15k
req11-13 10k or lower

20/20 will be more expensive and A LOT harder to find. In the sell forums there is on atm (req11 ?) which was at 40 ectos last time I've seen.

If I have a high req Smiting 20/10 somewhere you can have it.

EDIT: Sorry, I have so many doublicate Celestials... but none of them is req Smiting 20/10