Knowing that black moa chick has sold for 20e and 25e the past couple of days, anyone want to guess what an unded Varesh would sell for?
Any extra value for being a collector set mini also, or just the same green value of the black moa? Also, I assume bone dragon and Gwen sell for less, nor sure?
unded Varesh mini
I find lots of peopel are willing to pay 20e for any green minis regardless.
Varesh doesn't appear to have any additional value because of collectors edition. I'd put it at 20e.
I sold a few Bone Dragons for 18e/ea the other day but you can probbaly get 20e as well. Gwen the same, 20e
Varesh doesn't appear to have any additional value because of collectors edition. I'd put it at 20e.
I sold a few Bone Dragons for 18e/ea the other day but you can probbaly get 20e as well. Gwen the same, 20e